Popping a shell on a WNDR3700v4
I recently received a WNDR3700v4 for use with my cable connection. My first question regarding the device was whether it is possible to pop a shell on the underlying OpenWRT system without cracking open the case and connecting to a serial console. To start with, I grabbed a copy of the latest firmware from...
MAX232 "Business cards"
While organising to have some business cards printed for networking at an upcoming conference, I could not find anything which I thought were both professional and ‘geeky enough’. As a result, I did what any self-respecting geek would do: Attempted to over-engineer a ‘solution’ to a trivial problem. This is...
RFM22B and the Arduino Pro Mini
As part of new project to monitor a few systems around the house I have been looking for a stable way to collect and transmit data to a central location as part of a sensor network. This project lead me to the RFM22B, after a recommendation from a colleague around...
Messing with Telstra USB + WIFI Dongles (ZTE MF70) (Part 1)
Earlier today I made a trip down to a local electronics store looking for a low cost Telstra 3G dongle I could pull apart for use in a project. I found exactly what I was looking for in a AUD$25.00 Telstra E353T dongle, however, much to my dismay, they were...
Raspberry Pi, Python and I2C (Part 1)
As part of a recent project, I have had to take a crash course in I2C in order to interface with a number of sensors - namely an accelerometer and gyroscope. I’ve included some of the issues I came across in this post, as it may assist someone else out...